Mannaas Veedu -Where Tradition meets excellence
Mannaas veedu is located in serene ambience in between two Mountains at Prakannam Village, Pattanamthitta Dist. Kerala. Spending days in Mannaas countryside home stay is as if spending in an air- purified environs; some times better than it. So is the rejuvenating effect of the lush greenery of the Village and smell of jasmine flowers.
The house & the garden
Agriculture is the main village activity.
The fruits and vegetables are produced and collected locally benefiting the villagers.
The house and the garden are maintained by local organic manure.
Use of plastics are minimized and eco friendly materials are promoted. We strongly encourage recycling of old materials.
We never use chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the farm.
We never use chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the farm.
Home made wine and toddy, the local brew from coconut tree are encouraged.
Making efforts to create awareness among villagers to protect natural ecology and fragile environment especially the village country side.
Mannaas offers three bed rooms for guests. So the carrying capacity is kept at the bottom level to preserve the host family, local people, environment and guests.
Mannaas Veedu gives an opportunity to experience a country side destination with the serene ambience.